开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Annual National IIOT Student Competition - Sma rt Farming\n\nEvent Type: Competition event\n\nIndustry Sector: Food engin eering\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : \n\nThis year&rsquo\;s theme wi ll be Smart Farming where participants will use their imagination and skil ls to solve real-world problems related to Automation\, Precision Agricult ure\, or Smart irrigation. \;\n \;\n\nThe purpose of this competit ion is to cultivate teamwork\, understanding\, and skills within a short d uration\, promote STEM skills to students studying in different institutio ns in Singapore\, create a forum for young and talented students to compet e among themselves\, as well as to motivate and test their skills in desig ning and building among students throughout the world. \;\n\nThe compe tition will take place on the 1st of April\, and a workshop will be held o n the 18th of March to give participants a chance to learn more about IIoT \, get acquainted with Arduino and the MIT Inventor software\, and get a f eel for the kit that will be provided to them. \;\n\nA dht22 sensor\, an Arduino Wi-Fi version 2\, and a USB cord make up the kit's contents.&nb sp\;\n \;\nThe venue of the competition will be at Republic Polytechni c Industry Centre 4B from 9am &ndash\; 3pm for both days.\n\n\nTeams to be made up of 3-5 students in either of two categories polytechnic or univer sity \;\n\nVacancy for more teams! \; Teams of 3-5 students are in vited to take part - please apply to \nBrian Ng at Republic Polytechnic \n (email: 22047897@myrp.edu.sg)\n\n\nCompetition organised by Republic Polyt echnic.\n\nAny members who are interested are welcome to join the audience for the competition on 1 April.\n\n\n\nContact Details: Andy Bell\nAddres s: Singapore. DTEND:20230401T150000 DTSTAMP:20230627T120957Z DTSTART:20230401T090000 LOCATION:Republic Polytechnic\, 9 Woodlands Ave 9\, Industry Centre 4B\, Si ngapore \, 738964\, Singapore SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Annual National IIOT Student Competition - Smart Farming UID:d8990624-4911-48bc-99df-64fa801dc689 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR