开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Technical Webinar- Kites – the Future of Green Wind Energy and Ship Propulsion?\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndu stry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: Dr Henrik Hesse is currently P rogramme Director & Assistant Professor in Aerospace Engineering with the University of Glasgow in Singapore.\n\nDescription : \nKites &ndash\; the Future of Green Wind Energy and Ship Propulsion?\nDr Henrik Hesse\, Assist ant Professor in Aerial Robotics &\; Programme Director for Aerospace E ngineering\, University of Glasgow (Singapore)\n\n\n\n\nAbstract: NOTHING TO DO? GO FLY KITE. While flying kites may not be possible everywhere\, it has become a popular hobby and sport around the world. But there is more to kites than simple toys or thrilling sports equipment. They have immense potential to harness the power of wind to provide a cost-effective and su stainable alternative for wind power generation and ship propulsion. Kites \, or actually very advanced form of tethered drones\, convert energy by f lying fast in crosswind motion following a periodic pattern generating suf ficient forces to pull large container ships. But achieving extended auton omous operation of such complex dynamic systems pulling several G&rsquo\;s during tight manoeuvres is not an easy task and requires advanced solutio ns in aeroelastic modelling\, sensor fusion\, navigation and flight contro l. This talk will provide some insights into the challenging journey of ai rborne wind energy and explore the cutting-edge technologies required to m ake them possible. There are still many limitations to overcome\, and we w ill explore what needs to be done for widespread adoption of this promisin g new technology. \nSo\, whether you are a kite enthusiast\, a sustainabil ity advocate\, or simply curious about new technologies\, we invite you to join us as we explore the potential of kite power.\n \;\nSpeaker: Dr Henrik Hesse is currently Programme Director &\; Assistant Professor in Aerospace Engineering with the University of Glasgow in Singapore. He rec eived his PhD from Imperial College London (2013) where he investigated re duced-order modelling approaches for load control in flexible\, solar-powe red aircraft and large wind turbines. During his postdoc at ETH Zurich (20 14-2016)\, Henrik worked closely with a TwingTec\, a Swiss kite power star t-up\, and developed novel estimation and control methods for the autonomo us operation of kites. He demonstrated the control approaches for the kite power system developed by TwingTec and spent many hours in the Swiss moun tains waiting for wind. Since moving to Singapore in 2017\, Henrik has shi fted his research focus to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and loves to ex plore their practical application in challenging industry environments. \n Please Register by clicking \;HERE!\n\nCPD LEARNING\n\n\n Applicati ons of Tethered Drones\n How the applications of advanced techniques su ch as aeroelastic modelling and sensor fusion are used in a practical solu tion\n Is Kite Power a realistic option for future \;Marine \;p ropulsion?\n\n\nPEB- PBU applied for.\n\nSupported by\n \; \; \;\n\n\n\n\n\nContact Details: Andy Bell\nAddress: Singapore.\n\n Alternat ive Contact: LeeVeen Ng\nAddress: Singapore. DTEND:20230524T210000 DTSTAMP:20230802T151634Z DTSTART:20230524T200000 LOCATION:Singapore Branch \, Microsoft TEAMS\, Singapore SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Technical Webinar- Kites – the Future of Green Wind Energy and Ship Propulsion? UID:64932b6c-3bc5-4f62-9cc5-30c4d3f3afa2 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR