开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - SOfE locals 2022\n\nEvent Type: Competition ev ent\n\nIndustry Sector: Research & development\n\nSpeak Details: Not appli cable\n\nDescription : The Institute of Mechanical Engineers hosts Speak O ut for Engineering (SOfE) every year to provide students with hands-on\, r eal-world knowledge of engineering disciplines.\nThe purpose of SOfE is to improve communication and presentation skills in the future generation of engineers in order to bridge the gap between engineering technical knowle dge and customer understanding. A competition like SOfE is critical in bri nging potentially successful\, but shy\, individuals out of their shells a nd displaying their genuine abilities.\nSOfE being a signature event of IM echE\, challenges young engineers to hone their presentation skills in fro nt of a panel of technical expert and presentation specialists.\n IMechE N UST Student Chapter is hosting this event for participants from within NUS T. The winners will head out to compete on a national and then finally on an international level. Each participant is given a time of 15 minutes to deliver the presentation effectively and then 5 further minutes to answer the questions raised by the judges panel. Thereby not only improving the p resentation skills of the competitors but also their question handling abi lity. The competition is held at various levels\; from individual chapters to international platforms.\nThe aim is to provide the participants an op portunity to pitch their engineering projects and innovative ideas to a mi x of technical and non-technical panel. The challenge is to convey their pitches effectively so that the panel of three judges understands the bigg er picture and could grasp what is being delivered. Speakers were encourag ed to use different presentation aids such as models and animations.\n\nCo ntact Details: Ans Sadiq\nTelephone: +92 313 7124217\nAddress: Pakistan. DTEND:20220529T043000 DTSTAMP:20230627T075736Z DTSTART:20220527T083000 LOCATION:Online Event\, via Email submission\, Pakistan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:SOfE locals 2022 UID:40ba5ee3-f203-4690-8d6d-3f21749ab706 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR